Sunday, September 21, 2008

yesterday i did another load of laundry. wierd huh? i also went and purchased my boarding pass for the year. it was 400$ and i have access to three different mountains. it jumps to over a thousand after thanksgiving or something.

so after we got back from town doing that there was a buzz back at school about going to a colorado rockies game (baseball). i reluctantly decided it was a good idea. so we drive to denver, buy 10$ tickets and get it done. someone gave me an 18$ wheelchair space ticket for free outside i tried to dice.
the game was pretty good but i mean, i didn't know a single player. a couple of other interesting things happened though. one of the guys with us from school has a girlfriend who goes to ravencrest (which is the other torchbearer school in colorado about an hour away), and said that there was a big group of them here at the game. so we go over and meet them, then ended up hangin out there all game. the seats were better and the people were cool. it started raining at one point for about an inning but then finally let up. it was a close game until arizona hit a two run homer in the 8th. again, i didn't care so much for the game as i did the experience. i'll post some pictures soon.

so...the game itself was fun but not overly eventful. one very strange thing happened though that I'm gunna tell you about now. me, randall, and two girls from ravencrest went to go find dip n dots but on the way back to our seats i pulled ahead of them cause i was weaving in and out of the crowds or whatever. so I'm about to get on the stairs back to our section and i hear randall yelling "jimmy!" behind me, and i hear running. so i stop and this girl grabs my shoulder - sort of winded, probably from running in heels - and the first thing she says to me is "how tall are you?"..."6'1""..."how old are you"..."21" i mean at this point I'm obviously confused and somewhat humoured, i thought maybe she was about to ask me out or something. i should stop and say that this girl resembled a barbie for lack of better description; very model-esque and fashionable. she can tell i'm confused so she starts to describe to me and my friends that she is a talent scout for a model agency. i laugh and look at randall and literally say, "you gotta be kidding. am i supposed to take this seriously?" it was such a wierd moment. then she describes more and more what she does and who they are. then she asks if she can give me a business card and he contact info and if she can have mine. my friends pressured me into it, so i go over to her seat (which is in a crazy box-seat) and she pulls out this big bag - not a purse, filled with books and binders and paper and that type of thing. it was pretty legit. if you wanna check it out the site is anyways, just thought i'd tell you...sort of funny.

we road in the back of a truck from denver back to fraser (hour and a half) cuddled up and sleeping.

this morning i did worship at a local baptist church. again, i have nothing to say over this public blog. if you wanna ask me about it i'll be honest. had taco bell after for breakfast. this afternoon i get to watch the Lions game at my principles house which is faaannntaastic. then i may watch green bay and hope they lose to dallas.

oh, and an update on that guy who got injured? it turned out to be the most severe concussion you can get, but that is actually good news. he's back at school and in good shape. we had to wake him up every 4 hours for two nights but he's gunna be fine.

i have so much reading to do for school, its nuts.


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