Tuesday, September 16, 2008

so i did the bike jump today into the pond. the other day i just watched and said maybe i would, but then the sun went down and i ducked out. so anyway, today i did it and i meeaaaannn...it was a lot of fun, but the water is about 54 degrees. to the point that you can't even yell when you hit the water because of the shock and perhaps compression of your lungs. good experience.

i told you we were going biking yesterday. it was definitely an experience. first of all the air is a LOT thinner at 9000 ft. which doesn't help at all when you're basically biking up a mountain. there was some major body burnage goin on but all in all it was a still a good experience.

today we started classes. its gunna be interesting. i'm sincerely excited about furthering knowledge on this stuff - not for the reasons you might think, but the point is i'm ready and willing to soak it up.

i actually did laundry today. strange huh? not even a week in and i did a load. i also skated for about an hour at the skatepark while the stuff dried. speaking of skating, i have 4 or 5 notable scabs on my body as well as several bruises already and i love it. its just liberating to know i'm being active and doing things where i commonly get maimed.

Sometimes this community feels a lot like highschool. just socially. the way people interact is interesting to watch and less interesting to engage. i like the one on one thing, or if someone approaches me i'm glad to talk or be at least somewhat outgoing, but there is already more than enough drama. I think it inclines me to withdraw that much more.

there aren't enough guitars here. i wish so bad that i had my own. some people have heard me playing though and i guess i'm quite the buzz around here. oh, and my brand new headphones that pump bass just stopped working. so those are toast, and my standard ipod headphones have been blown for months. its terrible.

i don't take seeing mountains everyday for granted yet at all. i think i even give the spotless and untouched skies due credit too.



Jon Bartel said...

you're such a gunner already! like, active adam. or, sporty steve.


Chuck D said...


I remember skating in Colorado...it's a death sentance, and i thought i was in shape at the time... fricken thin air.