Monday, November 17, 2008

had a pretty interesting weekend. spent friday and saturday in denver as i mentioned at a dare to share conference in the Pepsi center. friday night we stayed at some mansion that literally was accomidating about 50 of us. so, the event itself was neat in some ways but unfortunate in many others. remember when we were that age? like, pitch and praise, kingdom bound, even winter sort of become some one else in those situations. more than becoming someone else i guess you just ARE someone else entirely than who we'd say we are now. everyone is so unspeakably needy and LOUD. loud with their cloths, loud with their abnormal behaviours (namely for attention or respect from peers), and just straight up loud volumes.

these things are unfortunate because its so so abnormal. the event is abnormal and the the bubble that kids are thrown into isn't real life - just like missions or bible school or whatever the case. the object is to basically captivate addolecent senses through media, music, words, and maybe a few tricks. get them all wound up and then unLEASH them into the world right? meh. i bet their talkin smack about their friends by the end of the following week, if not monday. i loved those events when i was in youth, and i understand some of the arguments trust me, but man is it ever wierd seeing it at this age and this stage. its absolutely queer in almost every respect when wholly evaluated. i escaped downtown during the event once or twice though to get a breath of fresh air both literally and figuratively.

one other thing about the conference is Zane. i've talked about him a bit. i really need to get a picture up. he dresses so so well and so so originally i guess, first off. second, he is probably good enough to be a legit am snowboarder and third, he's a super effective teacher. so we all love him here of course but this weekend shed such a different light. this dude is seriously a christian celebrity. he's one of the main faces for dare to share and the kids just soak him up like a sponge on steroids. he had a few shirts at the merch table that were specifically designed with/for him, he has a book called "shred the gnar" he just published, and he's kind of starting this other ministry called "christ plus nothing". we were walkin around and as he was standing giving autographs to this massive line of kids he's all shoutin us out and stuff right? well we jokingly start offering his phone number for 5$ to kids. this one girl? she offered us 36$. wierd huh? yea, so wierd.

leeland was good. there was also a band called fee who was okay. the mix was a bit disappointing. so i hope the sound for coldplay this friday is a lot better. oh wait, did i forget to tell you? i'm seeing coldplay on friday! it was bloody spensive but this is once in a lifetime type stuff. and i think its one of those bands you kind of need to see, especially after that last monster of an album. I'm gunna make sure to soak it in as best i can and then reflect a thorough response back at you.

winter park opens on wednesday. i think i said it was this past weekend maybe but its wednesday. unfortunately tonite we went up to the top of the pass to ride a bit and i messed up my knee again. i think its sprained or something cause i have no strength. its not too too uncommon for my knee to just buckle during the day and me fall over. might need to get a brace or something when i come home. i hope i get to ride before christmas though cause i bet its a bad idea.

has anyone ever thought a lot about corporate prayer? cause i have been more recently. add it to the list i suppose, but it annoys the lasting goodness out of me. the reason we give group prayer so much credibility is probably based on "where two or more are gathered, there I am also". lets pause and look at that first. what?! soooo, God shows up where there is at least two people right? well, either he's God and he is everywhere with everyone at all times or our faith is restricted to God encounters only where there is more than one person? its silly for me to even expand. we all know you've experienced and been with God on your own before so what the heck is the point of this verse? so we can throw it out in church and big rallies for emphesis that God is around MORE right now than when you're praying at home? its stupid. before i go on here is my token disclaimer: these statements are in no way ever perfectly inclusive of all people in all situations, but from what i know and observe, they are a relatively strong representation of the christian population. what exactly do you DO during group prayer? like, do we all kind of play a role and its a team thing? ooorrr are we just there to get inspired by others audible thoughts? oorrr i dunno i guess. There are prayer warriors like my mom and maybe some of yours. i'm sure you know at least one good example. i suppose some of their responses would be affirmation of the prayer at least mentally if not verbally. but even it one of those things we do to show we're more intentional and bold in our faith? or does it actually AMPLIFY our prayers to God?! to be honest, most people just look around. they're probably thinking about very menial things. maybe sometimes important things like song orders or prayer requests they need to remember, but most people don't actually pay true attention. wowee does that area of discussion fire me up.

another thing is that christians have no backbone. this isn't an uncommon observation, even within the christian community but sledom does the trend change at all. some people worship with all their hearts, and some people truly respect the communion table but i bet most don't. have you ever really looked at the blank eyes of people as they worship? chances are they either aren't thinking of the words, or they are thinking very conciously about how they sound or how they look as they worship. their mouths move and you can tell its for the sake of avoidence - avoidence of conflict or being called out on or being thought less of. just don't sing if it means nothing! most people probably mean it more when they're singin in their cars to random songs than during formal worship. you see it plague worship TEAMS let alone worship congregations. and the communion table...God help christians. i often imagine how many people take communion that are pissed off at their parents, or are stealing from work, or are cheating in a relationship, or are maybe just as mediocre as they come and have not prepared their hearts for this foundational 'act'. severe or simple i don't think it matters. my word. Its not mine to judge, but i wonder how many people you would see pass the plate if you took a good look around. probably not nearly enough. cause its easier to just take it. its easier to play the role. thats a good reflection of a much bigger picture - the entirity of what they believe and are moved by. and for goodness sake, what is the point of prayer before meals? i mean, i understand the point but stop being thankful for your food and only your food. it is no more a blessing than the legs that are still attached to your torso. do you religeously wake up every single morning and thank God for your health? do you feel guilty if you MISS a morning? maybe you do. do you thank him for your car, or do you gripe about the A/C not working and how the system in it sucks? the point being, its such a thing 'we do' that i don't know if i could ever agree with it again.

sorry about that.

this took a along time so I'm gunna go. but i'll check in early next week at the latest.

this is jimmy

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