Wednesday, October 8, 2008

so a couple days ago we acquired a mascot. one of our dudes went to take a shower and found a mouse in our washroom. so we've got like 5 dudes jumping around screaming about having a pet, so we throw on some gloves and cornered him into a trash can. it was awesome. his name was Moses the mouse. unfortunately it only lasted a day. i wanted to feed him and keep him around but someone let him go.

i just got back from Dan's place (my principle). we had an inCREDible coffee (fresh ground beans, pressed and everything.) and just talked all afternoon. that dude is amazing. i love his family so much. and as unstable as i am i can be honest with him and wrestle through things without feeling threatened and, at the same time i have enough experience and understanding to talk intelligently about issues and christian stuff.

so yesterday i went long boarding again. i was using a dudes long board was squeaking a bit but i decided it would be fine. so we start going down this trail and its not feeling real good but i had headphones in and couldn't hear. so i keep rippin and then....the WHEEL falls off! bloooddyyy. i bail, pick up the board, and then walk over to the highway to try and hitchhike down. no one picked me up.

last night we played football out on the to-be hockey rink. its basically just a nice wide open grass area that is cut short and nice. so its like 25 degrees out and we're playin football. it was fun except i took a pretty bad shot to the head, and thigh, and wrist. i'm feeling better today though.

ok so in big news, we were supposed to leave for MOAB Utah this week for a big ol camp/backpack trip. it was gunna be campin, hikin, bikin, climbin, etc. they do it every year. but a couple weeks ago an opportunity came up in Texas to serve and help clean up the mess from hurricane Ike that apparently ripped through there. so we were wrestling with what to do, and last night concluded that we were goin to texas. some local tiny churches gave us 2,000$ of gas money, and a third van to get down with. its a 20 hour drive and we're not aloud ipods. they want us to develope community on this trip and spend a lot of time in solitude. it's gunna be rough especially for me. so anyways, I'll be back in a week. we leave tomorrow.

we were doin 2-a-days for about the past week with regard to ab workouts but its slowed down a bit. we get up at 7, workout, go in the hot tub at 7:30, then give ourselves ten minutes to get ready for breakfast at 8. I've also been running about 3-4 times a week. i do about 4 kms which i'm really pleased with at this altitude. progress feels slow, its hard to tell. but we'll see.

had my first phone call the other night. it was with Jen and it was awesome. if anyone really really wants to talk to me, send me an email and we can maybe arrange for it.

thanks for stoppin in.


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